>>1565983verifiable sources like /out/ are a gold mine of useful information for the beginning internet campers.
Here you can learn such useful skills as shitting in rivers, building cairns and then angrily kicking them over when you see other hippies build them. Which knife is best for batoning, because no one needs saws or hatchets when you have a Morakniv, and as well as that you can learn what is the best way to camp in a city like a hobo, not relevant, but that's also posted here as well. Not to mention what tacticool gear you need while camping, because everyone loves a good internet argument or a humblebrag.
But if your into the minimalist shit, then no worries, you need a Mora knife, a backpack, 4 MRE's, a litre of water, a long length of rope, a small compass, and a survival poncho, set off in your jeans and trainers, and hit the open road.
After you realize how terrible it was to follow all of the advice on /out/ deprived of food and water with a broken knife, broken compass, no fire, and no way to sustain life, you can use the rope to hang yourself.
tldr; go read a book or take a course fag.