There's a difference between a booboo kit and an IFAK. If you want something for splinters and scrapes just buy a commercial first-aid kit and add a notepad and pencil. Anytime you don't have something or want to add something write it down. I use this for car camping with my gfs normie friends and kids who fall when at the farm. It works great and is $15 dollars.
>Refilling it means buying a 100 count box of whatever you're getting low on.
Iodine and small bandaids are the first to go for me. Department store or grocery will have more with snoopy on them.
>pretty simple to learn
All the steps are written out on a small card incase you need to practice or like to double check
>ideal for most situations
For a small upcharge you can get one that has shit for sunburn, poison ivy, and lube for friction
If you want to create you're own IFAK for camping then add gauze with quick clot additive, a tourniquet, sports wrap, gloves, iodine (keep it clean), and anything else you want to add.