>>1572096hippie bullshit's just used to sell drugs. it's a lot easier to sell drugs when it's a higher experience beyond pleasure itself. it comes from a puritan stigmatization of pleasure for pleasure's sake that manifests itself in modern times. it's not merely enough to take acid and enjoy it, you have to go through some ritual to enhance the experience otherwise it's not good enough for you.
dealers feed people like you philosophies that you use because you and others want to believe to give your life some kind of meaning. after periods of education and self-reflection, you'll realize none of them make sense. suddenly, the frameworks of your world fall apart once again and you're forced to start from square one. you rejected mainstream society in favor of another, slightly less mainstream hollow illusion away from what the drugs could've provided if you had the capacity to see past your brainwashing.
your search for a mystical experience is based off of ancient American indian beliefs about drugs that define them as keys to extraordinary states of reality. however, you lake the necessary connections to these gods to access these realities, and your cultural conditioning as a descendent from European Christian colonization prevents that from happening. instead, you use it as a party drug because of a deep repression that prevents you from experiencing pleasure. you likely have depression and go through extended periods of melancholy.
basically, you're searching for a mystical experience you don't have the imagination to experience or the mental capacity to remember after the drugs stop. i was lucky enough to peyote with the utes and experience the true nature of what these drugs are about, which is distanced from what you and the writers experienced and wrote about in their incomprehensible hippie bullshit.
that's what i know.