>>1589291>SvireI bet the brits did the translating. they're panzy pussy babies, and like to end things with feminine suffixes.
"chip butty"
that's probably why they're handling getting raped and murdered by muslims so well. anyway, yeah I far prefer Svire to snufkin
Lilla My
>Snorkfröken – snorkig, "snooty, snotty"; fröken, "Miss")wtf
Snusmumriken – dialectical snusmumrik or mumrik, "old man who talks carelessly; old codger, old bore; old snuff-taker; snotty or scruffy old man," derived from snus, "snuff," + interjection mum, also in mumla "mumble," with pejorative ending -ik
you know what, on second thought. fuck your opinion, fuck your words, and fuck swedish.