>>1572818no its for douchebags that think its fun to destroy habitat, automobiles are boring and you have to be a true lowbrow retard to think its fun to drive around in circles.
motor vehicles should be used for practical purposes only
>>1572839I do realize that some parks are made to let smoothbrain manchildern have fun destroying habitat. its disgusting, off roaders should be locked inside to play videogames and do drugs all day if they are so easily amused
>>1572836tell me you aren't serious...
it only makes sense that offroading morons are npcs only capable of preforming meaningless activities. aesthetic reality is beyond them
>>1573123>>1573494>>1573497property is a legal fiction, I only care about what actually lives on the land
>>1573505but' 'white' people are incredibly destructive, for cultural reasons not because they are white
>>1574788more like special ed
>>1574791okay retard
>>1576317but you are literally inside a vehicle the entire time, you philistine