>>1585848>>>1584062>i mean from their perspective they get to hunt and fish at their leisure every day It's not "at your leisure" if failure leads to missed meals
>while looking at naked jungle girls. You ever look at any pictures of these jungle women? They age like milk in the rainforest and anyone north of 20 is almost guaranteed to be an ugly old hag. That said, I remember watching a documentary about some tribe in which they said that girls can be married as young as 9 but can't be fucked until their first period (also they make menstruating women spend a week in a little hut squatting over a hole in the ground as they believe menstrual blood to be a deadly poison) but that this rule is often ignored, so I suppose you are spot on when you say jungle girls.
>they can build their own hut wherever they want to and can go wherever they want to go whenever they want. You know, unless they stray to close to gold miners/farmers/other tribes which could get them killed and possibly enslaved/raped/tortured/ ect...
>they dont have to worry about bosses, tax, retirement, the economy, mortgages and rent, and all the other bullshit.You do realize that they are basically south America's version of reservation niggers right? There are very few who don't have some conection to the modern world and virtually none who remain completely uncontacted. All other things equal they likely worry less about these things than you or I do, but the vast majority of them do hold these worries all the same.
It's an interesting balance, and their existence in the modern age is a fascinating look at undeveloped civilizations that would be a tragedy to lose, but it's not near as romantic as you make it sound.