>>1593188>and actually there wouldn’t be climate change if we were going all final solution on minorities.First of all that's never going to happen, and refusing to actually organize in a way that could possibly effect policy just because it doesn't support your retarded ethnostate fringe politics shows that you actually care more about your racial autism than you do about actually doing something about the ecological crisis. I don't feel the need to tell you why you are wrong, because your retard ideas aren't going to happen and definitely aren't going to change anything if you are more concerned in "outrunning the effects of climate change" than compromising your juvenile political dispositions to join a concentrated effort that actually has a hope of changing things.
>Stop pretending you’re the good guy because you want a planet covered in apartment complexes full of niggers serving the 1% you stupid thoughtless neoliberalLol I'm not a neoliberal at all. I've had plenty of interactions with ecofash babies on /lit/ and they ALWAYS no almost nothing about ecology as a science or as a political movement, they run on vague sentimentality, and they always care way more about fascism than ecology. The later is clearly evidenced by your unwillingness to compromise your pet ideology.
>>1593192>Turn on the TV I do not watch TV, this speaks volumes about how uniformed you really are. Corporate PR is soulless, the exact same thing can be said about conservative politics, especially on the climate change denial front.