>>1589048I once knew an Abyssinian man who believed that he could only achieve peace once he had removed all desire for sin. To that end he set about removing all of his limbs in order to eliminate options and enticements.
Being of practical mind, he knew that he needed his arms to fulfill the basics of life. So he decided to remove his legs and his 'devil's member' as he described it, and in so doing achieve his goal.
He ended up hacking off 5 of his legs and 3 johnsons before his body gave in and ceased to grow any more.
As I understand it, he sold them all for a tidy profit in the Bedouin markets outside Marakesh and used the money to buy a small house and regular stipend for his future.
.....Sadly, he ended up getting scammed by some Nigerian Prince, losing it all and eventually turning tricks for crack in the slums of Alexandria. Proving once and for all that one shouldnt dismember oneself lightly.