>>160342Not fun. I had that shit as a kid/teen and still get episodes where my family/girlfriend/coworkers appear to me as actors in something like the Truman Show - but I was seamlessly integrated into it at random points.
I remember when I was younger and Dad would pick me up from Taekwondo/Football/Shooting (UK), I'd sit in silence in the car and look at him from the corner of my eye to check where the mask began, or if there was something out of place - a couple of times even asking "when is Dad coming to pick me up?" or "Who sent you to pick me up instead of Dad?"
Now, instead of lasting days (my memories of the ages 6-13 were blurred, lots of moving around and talking to things that weren't there (including Hitler who I thought was keeping me safe from harm...I went on to do a History Degree, go figure), I now get these spells but they last anywhere from 1 to 18 hours.
Waking up knowing that the world around you is false, purposely put there by those you have faith and trust in (which I'm crap with anyway so it's a huge violaion of my trust and the like) I lash out, become severely paranoid, withdrawn and treat people like they are complete strangers.
Even now I have still not made contact with some guy for over a month, just stopping all contact, as he changed - and I don't know why. There's a deep seated instant return to the thoughts Ihad as a Kid, the Counsellors/Therapists and anger/paranoia from all those years ago. There are hundreds of examples I could give of times I've known people to be actors or imposters and failed to unmask them as everyone else was in on the act.
It never leaves me. I doubt it ever will. Just gotta get on with it.