Within perhaps 2 to 3 weeks I will be living in the national forests of the Eastern woodland wilderness. I shall be exploring primitive methods alongside doing that which I must to simply live (I have a small selection of modern fishing gear, for example, and essentially a full set of modern camp gear). I hope to, over time, replace modern cushion with primitive means to the greatest degree of which I am capable, and will share along the way as able (trips into town, WiFi/phone service, etc.) For the past 5 years I have learned and regularly consumed a handful of wild edible plants (mostly English Plantain, Plantain, Wild Carrot, Chinese Yam, Sheep Sorrel, Wild Lettuce, various Thistles, Pine needles, Clover, Dandelion) and intend to expand greatly upon that, along with far more wild fishes. I intend to master fire and shelter. I will be entirely alone and do not expect to be capable of full primitive, due to the principles underlying what this
>>1602961 Anon has stated.