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No.160755 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here's the deal. I've been backpacking since I was about 10 years old. I'm almost 18 now. I'm into hippie chicks because that's who I grew up with. Anyways, there's this girl I'm looking into dating who says she "loves backpacking sooo much". For my 18th birthday I'm going abroad for 6 months. I want to ask her to come with me, but I get the feeling the closest she's been to backpacking is glamping...which is not what I want to do. How should I go about this? I'm not asking for relationship help, but how should I test her level of experience? I don't really have enough money to plan a test trip, and I don't want to get her out there and have her hate it the whole time. That would suck for both of us.

>pic obviously related