>>1617256Yeah labs are pretty dumb compared to other breeds, and chocolate or silver labs are often legit (as in clinically) retarded due to how they're bred. Pretty sure that's why they're extremely loyal and friendly.
>>1617119Lab, of the yellow variety.
>prosExtremely driven hunting dog, they get a degree of single-minded determination no other breed does
waterproof coat+webbed feet like all good water dogs
Big enough that the only wildlife that's a threat to them are venomous or bears
Stamina for days
Simultaneously extremely loyal, and extremely friendly: Excellent around strangers
Versatile: Can be a retriever, a pointer, a flushing dog, a rescue dog, a guard dog, a pack mule, and probably other roles I can't think of
Tolerant of cold/wet weather without additional gear
Easy to train due to being highly food-motivated
>consDoesn't do great in hot weather, too much mass and too much fur
Dumb as stumps
If there's a snake, skunk, or porcupine within a 1km radius of you, it will find and play with it
Extremely driven hunting dog, they get a degree of single-minded determination no other breed does
>yes I know I have that in both categories, it can be very beneficial or incredibly damning depending on the situation. Mine routinely ignores minor to moderate injuries long enough they turn into major issuesSheds like crazy
Get fat easily, doesn't take much overfeeding or under-exercising
Rampant low-quality breeding has led to a lot of "purebred" lines having significant genetic issues or injury predispositions, namely hip displasia and a whole host of cancers
Tend to live short lives: 10 retirement age, and they rarely see 14 (I've been blessed that both of mine made 15, although barely)