You people are fucking retarded. Op here's some actual ideas. If you want clay for building and lots then you can get it from dirt. Just dig a hole with the stick you fired, put dirt in it, and add water. Scoop off the organics that float on top of the water and scoop out the larger particles from the body. when the water drains you'll have a layer of clay on the top. You can use that clay to make a container and something to scoop up the water with. After shaping the clay and firing it. Do the above steps again but this time scoop up the water and poor it into the crude clay pot. The clay will settle and you can poor out the water once it clears. This'll leave you with purer clay than the first time. Here's an example of the procedure with the pot. you don't know how to prepare, shape and fire the clay then just ask, I'm assuming you already know how to do that part.