>>1640672Mixed emotions.
Was around 6,
My dad was a shearing contractor ( australia)
used to bring home a killer form the sheds every few weeks, we'd slaughter it and butcher it and split up the mutton between our family group ( had a couple of uncles and aunts in same town )
Basically at 6 went with dad down to out killing block, i'd watch him kill skin and gut sheep 100's of times.
Hands me the knife. It;s time to learn anon, make it quick and painless, no animal should suffer.
Shows me where to cut, I cut. Felt proud but also as a little kid sad.
Later on when i was around 12 he became a roo shooter, Harvesting kangaroo meat to be sold as pet food.
Takes me shooting. I'm an ok shot with a gun at targets.
Ok time to get a Roo son.
I take aim im nervous. Standards in australia dictate that any roo harvested for its flesh must be an instant kill to the head.
i jerk the trigger and shoot it in the neck it goes down but is still alive.
My dad looks at me shakes his head gets out and hands me a small hatchet.
Says we dont let animals suffer. points towards the roo some 100 meters out in the paddock.
I trudge off into the night. I stand there sigh and put it out of its suffering.
Those two times made sure i always make a clean kill as seeing the animal suffer is not enjoyable.