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Shitty Camping moments

No.164250 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This happened last year, I was bringing my two closest friends up to a very large piece of land that has been in my family for generations. We were planning on staying for 4 entire nights. Basically to get there I had to drive 150 miles from my hometown in a truck that got at its best maybe 18 mpg on the freeway, and i had just spent about $60 on food supplies once I reached the town below the mountain. I wasn't planning on anything going wrong more or less. Then, once I got to the property, I had to 4WD for about 7-8 miles to get to the part of the property where the centralized camp is. The truck was maybe 200 yards down the hill from the campsite, the hill was VERY steep (about a 70 deg. incline) where you had to take about 800 yards in trails zigzagging just to get up, when we came across this motherfucker in the picture attached to this thread. A gigantic fucking oak. To make it worse, it was incredibly soaked, so it was too heavy to move. Horrified I remembered I forgot to take my chainsaw, which I'm prone to doing about every 3 out of 4 trips.
All we had that could cut this headache was a cheap ass walmart saw. We tried saw at the base where the two primary branches came out of the stump but the saw blade was getting pinched really badly from all the weight from both sides applied onto it, so we had to cut individual sections. We were taking turns every 45 or so minutes sawing at it in sections. Somehow, the Walmart saw actually had heated up so much the teeth were warped in a weird upwards arc that made the saw entirely useless. We had to switch over to using a pole saw, which was much slower.
Eventually we cut a gap big enough to drive the truck through, but we had spent over 5 and a half hours just sawing at it, and it was about 10 PM and completely pitch-black so we didn't really even set up out camp until the next day. Ruined the entire mood of the trip the next several days.
So /out/, what's some crappy camping experiences you've had?