>>1647263I am a wage slave. What can I do? Barely make ends meet, poor broke but not broke enough to receive help. I don't want government help. That shit may be packaged as free but nothing in life is free. If it doesn't cost money from my labour, then what does it cost? Nobody talks about that. Government aid, support costs your freedom. Costs your ability to make your own choices. You become a child with the craziest helicopter parent in the world. Eff that!
I just want a cabin in the woods. Wood fireplace, wood stove for heat. Well water, maybe even a fucking outhouse. I want to be able to disconnect from this society. Why is that ridiculed, why am I kept in a state where that is unlikely to ever happen.
But how would I survive though? I read about how to be self sufficient online. But do I even have the drive to do that? I think I do but in reality I probably never will. I can't afford the land to do so to begin with, probably never will. Don't have a gun license, couldn't afford it. May have the articles, the papers, the books, and some knowledge of how to pull it off but in practice I will probably fuck it up and get myself killed.
But... compared to living the way I am now, a wage slave, would getting dead be any different than from the way I am living now? I feel dead inside already. I do not want to take my own life but if I were to die... why would I care? Yeah those who know me woukd be sad but why would I care... I'd be dead.
26 years old if that matters. I have a long ways to go and am still a child. A big baby. I just can't bring myself to participate in the society. I hate commercials, I hate marketing, brainwashing people into buying things. Hell, I get flyers in the mail telling me that junk in "on sale" and that by buying this crap now I will be "saving" $20. No! You idiots, I am not saving any money if I am spending it! The "regular" price was $50, and it is now $30, I am SPENDING $30, not SAVING $20!