>>1651750>There hasn't been a pendulum swing since the 1920's. Progress is a leftward phenomenon.That's what I was trying to explain.
the overall trend is to the left so today's conservatives were the liberals of the past. Their views didn't change, their kids' did. But the speed varies. /pol/ likes to think there's a rightward movement but all they're seeing is a possible slowing of the leftward march as Boomers and Gen X age out of the game and millennials long for a romanticized past that never really existed.
so if we pretend the country isn't moving left it's a pendulum, but in reality it's a steady march left, leaving the BSA high and dry. Even if we could roll back the clock to the 1970's there's the problem that nobody that was alive then particularly liked those values, which is why we're where we are now. The conservative ideal of a white, male, Christian America excluded too many people, and those people all vote. They also choose whether or not to support organizations like BSA or their local church or the NRA or whatever. They vote with their dollars and the Scouts fail to attract dollars because their very premise is exclusionary.