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No.1655826 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sell me on one of these knives or something similar, /out/? They're all very different, yes, but what I'm looking for:

- A general purpose, workhorse-y, duty-ish, handle-everything EDC knife to complement a SAK. It'll live part time in a cargo pocket on a garment and part time in a bag, depending on what I'm wearing and the setting.

- I want a rescue hook and a glass breaker just to make sure I have them on me, but I'll skip them if there's reason to.

- I live in NYC and we can finally have locking blades, hence why I'm looking at this, but they still need to be under (not at) 4". I'm looking for something that'll be useful in the city and still /out/. I have a Becker Campanion for going /out/ /out/, but because of its length to be in compliance in NYC I need to go to and from an /out/ activity with no stopping.

- In line with that, I'd prefer it to not look tactical or intimidating, but I'll take that coming with the territory if it does. Even with that in mind, I still want a black blade out of sheer preference. Eventually I want to upgrade the scales on whatever I get, so don't weigh that too much.

Thoughts on the options I've found next post.

Yes there's other knife threads but no general, so I'm starting one with this.