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Mitten Recommendations

No.1657290 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looking for some leather mittens to wear over my normal gloves. I have some thinsulate fleece gloves, which are warm enough around 30-35 degrees, but any colder and they are not enough. Here are the ones I have:

I would like something leather that I can wear over these so that when I pick up anything wet or muddy, it doesn't soak my fleece gloves. Looking at something like this, but without the heavy pricetag:|cid:690283436|agid:38208002049|tid:pla-378004940102|crid:154705805500|nw:g|rnd:13542057483066554018|dvc:c|adp:1o5|mt:|loc:1026062&gclid=CjwKCAiA58fvBRAzEiwAQW-hzZGfcjrf1AZyTKSOR-OKycboNHzFAwhXImfezuXHM9iEG_W1RKbC8RoCd0AQAvD_BwE

thank you guys for any recommendations. Also, if you think I should just ditch the thinsulate fleece ones I have and just get better gloves, then I am open to that as well.