>>1659050There's pretty good research into this, but basically the philosophy of it breaks down like this:
Society is set up in such a way that a huge number of people are employed in jobs which have no value and which do not need to exist. I'm talking about things like mortgage brokers, tax inspectors, accountants, lawyers, basically any job that doesn't involve the physical creation or transformation of resources (food, minerals, engines, whatever) or hands-on helping people (doctors, paramedics, firefighters, nurses etc).
Such jobs exist for their own sake and do not meaningfully contribute to society, in fact they're arguably parasitic, sucking value out of real jobs.
People who do these non-jobs are aware at least subconsciously that they spend the majority of their waking hours doing things which are absolutely worthless. The really awake ones know it consciously and are quite honest about it.
All of this makes being in one of these non-jobs crushing to your self-esteem and spirit, and so incredibly bad for your mental health.
Get out, anon. Go and do an actual job instead.