Friendly reminder that taking 1-2 SSRI class antidepressant pills (Prozac, Paxil, Lexapro (esp this one) when you want to stop tripping/come down/end a bad trip is best.
Keep 2 SSRI pills next to you while you trip so you can exit the trip if you need to. SSRI drugs end the hallucinogenic component of some trips like MDMA, LSD, DMT, psilocybin/magic mushrooms, and should work with most serotonin based hallucinogens.
They do not produce sedation, unlike antipsychotics or benzodiazepines, so you can drive, if need be, 30 minutes after taking the SSRI even with the mushrooms or whatever in your system.
This does not cause serotonin syndrome as the SSRI binds more potently to the receptor than the hallucinogen.