>>1668037>People see the stock market doing amazing while they can’t afford hospital bills or find a job and understandably get upsetOne of my favorite counter examples is literal boomers.
these faggots did nothing that would make a person rich. Most of them anyways. They did what everyone did back then- they worked joe jobs with the same damn company for 20 years straight. They bought insurance and contributed to their retirement accounts. They got married and bought houses.
none of that was expected to make a person rich. It was just what you had to do in order to survive. But they lived long enough to see that house and that retirement and that insurance become worth millions.
these are just average fucks like the people here. Just doing average stuff. And most of them became moderately wealthy without really even trying, and certainly without expecting it.
Now I'm not saying you have the same opportunities that boomers did, it's a very different economy now. And I don't know for a fact anyone here will get rich by plugging away without thinking. But if they're any indication it's certainly possible. Gen X is doing it as we speak. Don't know if it'll last, but to be fair boomers and gen X'ers need the situation to last so they can cash in their chips at retirement. They need you to have the same opportunities they did, because we need you to buy our houses and pay for our ponzi-scheme retirement accounts.
so there's a lot of momentum and need behind the idea that you can work a joe job all your life and make a small fortune. Maybe it's not true, but lots of people are still doing it.