>>1670180Not the OP, but you need to stop getting your news off facebook and Barnaby's twotter account
We don't do 'backburning' unless there's an active fire and need to starve it out of fuel and its pretty much dependant on the wind.
Hazard Reduction gets done when it can be, but that's in the hands of the RFS, the National Parks rangers and private land owners- its got a really narrow window when you can get boots on the ground, there's enough moisture to stop it from going ballistic and for those in the city that haven't noticed, its been really fucking dry for about the last 6 years out here. This also includes the green party who basically never leave the city and just sit in town cafe's with their onions latte and complaining about who's not communist enough.
My farm is literally in one of the highest rainfall areas of NSW and I had about 2 weeks where it was mostly safe to burn off excess vegetation, it wasn't really any better last year and the year before that. It's the driest anyone can remember in living memory, I've had water sources that never went dry are completely gone. If we can't burn safely, we don't.
In regards to the RFS and Rangers
Both have had progressive cuts over the last 10 years to the point they're a bloody endangered species and that's entirely because of the NSW gov, who last I checked ARE NOT the fucking greens! So if you're going to throw anyone on the pyre its not a greenie because they basically get the big NO vote from everyone out in the country areas and its all the Lib/Nat and Labor who get the seats and chopped the budget out of the entire two departments that do the haz-red burns around the state.
If there's no one to do the work, then there's no one doing it.
It entirely comes back to the NSW government, of which most of them are off on holidays to Europe and elsewhere. Our fire season started up here in August and that's basically unheard of, we've been putting the bastards out ever since.