>>1672528•Cattails/Bullrushes(Typha) . In winter all you'll find are the roots. There's a lot of processing involved. It is best to just clean them off, roast them, beat them, peel and eat.
•Invertebrates. Flip over stones, logs, and piles of leaves. There are many things you can eat and many you can't eat. Gastropods and annelids will need their guts cleared of whatever they've been eating before you cook and eat them.
•Aquatic life. Fish, crayfish, filter feeders, etc. Not difficult to understand.
•Mammals. Despite hibernation, many of them are active from time to time in the winter. Have fun.
•Ground birds. Due to domestic cats going feral these are probably going to be really rare. You may need to stick to doves or whatever is legal in your area for things like ducks/geese.
Make sure to identify pine trees correctly. The following are toxic:
Yew Pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus)
Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata)
Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea)
Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla)
Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia)
Cedars (Cedrus sp.)
English/European Yew (Taxus baccata)
Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa)