>>1695102>>1695102>and its eliminated the traditional fats like lard and tallowgone but not forgotten.
I actually worked in a small butchery for a while that processed only for small farmers, direct to consumer. We processed everything from 600lb sides of corn fattened angus to 300 lb sides of belted galloway, fed only grass. The grain fed animals would spoil with mold, experience massive losses from fat trimming, they would have the occasional massive pus filled cyst in their legs, their fat smelled like week-old gym socks..
The belted galloway meat was dark rich red, the fat golden and smelled like flowers, it didn't mold when aged, didn't have hardly any exterior fat(all intramuscular, no waste), and tasted delicious.
It's fucking tragic that people don't know how this stuff is actually supposed to taste and make you feel.