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I murdered an animal

No.1691099 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Camping somewhere in Australia, big monitor lizards keep walking around my camp,
>I let them be unless they try getting too close, merely standing up usually sends them in the other direction.
>i don't have any food scraps on the floor, keep rubbish in a bag hanging off the ground
>i think they must have been fed by people who camped there before
>one day this big mother fucker arrives, around 6 ft long
>he's more confident than the other lizards, it takes more to scare him away
>gets into mexican standoff with me instead of being scared away
>does a fake charge
>I grab my long shovel to scare him off, just by banging it on the ground (never within touching distance)
>he fucks off but comes back after 10 minutes
>this goes on for 4-5 times
>he's refusing to give up
>I'm sitting in my tent, chilling
>I hear noises, he's returned again
>this time I find the fucker climbing on my car
>he's half way up (it's a big 4wd)
>this time I touch him with the shovel to try and make him drop
>he hangs on and runs to my tailgate which was open
>in that instance, afraid that he's going to run into my car, I smashed it over the head with the shovel
>he was fucked up but still alive
>I pushed it off my tailgate and smashed his head until it stopped moving.

I felt bad, but I think he didn't give me any other choice.

What do you faggots think? Was it murder or justifiable homicide..