>>1701497>>1700782PS for yellow perch I use two rods. One has a drop-shot type rig with two hooks (use more if legal). I use the Palomar knot, then after typing pass the line through the hook eye once more so it faces up. This is a standard drop shot tying method.
I use a heavier-than-necessary weight, which I pound off the bottom a little to kick up mud. This triggers the perch as they think a compatriot is feeding, or an insect is stirring. Just dead-sticking the rod with no action except periodically pounding the bottom works best for me.
I have experimented with colored beads behind the hooks with good success. You can also use flies or small jigs instead of bare hooks.
Like I said, the best perch bait is perch eyeballs. Small fathead minnows are also nice, and so are spikes (maggots) and worms.
On the other rod, I have a flashy spoon tipped with an eyeball or spikes. This doesn't get as many hits but I think the flash brings the perch in. Experiment with leaving the spoon on the bottom; sometimes they'll pick it right up.
I find perch in 15-30 FOW usually. Drop offs, weed beds, and muddy bottoms are all good. They are schooling fish so don't be afraid to move, and work quickly when they do start biting.
Also worth a Google: "perch fly rig", "sabiki rig".
Someone better send me some perch pics after all this!