Quoted By:
> Get invited by friend to go hiking with some of his other friends.
> Bring my standard hiking kit
> Rucksack, Multi tool, Few meters of para-cord, small Splash Jacket, Headtorch, Flashlight, First Aid Etc etc
> Carrying about 5 liters of water.
> Bringing sandwiches for lunch, nuts and muesli bars, cheese, crackers and some meats because i wanted a fancy spread wherever we end up, and wanted to impress a little.
> Get to the car park, Friend and his 4 other friend are there.
> Only 2 people have small water bottles.
> Like 600ml Pump bottles
> 2 basic backpacks,
> Sneakers, and activewear
> They insist they've done this hike before and its no big deal
> I Insist they take some of the bottled water i have in the back of my car, A liter bottle each.
> The stupid part, was my fault, for assuming these guys were all good and not researching the hike a little.
> But i was just a last minute invite.
> After following the lead guy who's hiked here a dozen times. We got lost,
> Turns out he came here as a kid a few times.
> The backpacks i assumed had some supplies in only had a muesli bar each
> They burned through their 600ml bottles and started on the water i'd given them within the first hour.
> After the guy leading us admitted he was a little "Turned Around" as he put it, Never lost, I took over and said we were going back.
> We didn't get back until around 9pm, we started at 10am.
Not exactly life threatening, There was blisters, squabbles between the couples, i shared all the food and spare water i brought. Would've been a nightmare to make it back to the cars without lights, Or if i left the main dude who just seemed set on being Alpha dude the whole time keep leading us.
Like we were good because i was there, I dont know how they would've gone without me.
I went hiking with them again, but this time i set the itinerary and it was a place i'd been before or at least checked out, and advised them what to bring.
Not bad people, just all Ego man,