>>1717068So close yet so far.
Get one made out of palm. Palm can be much more easily reshaped once it gets wet. I am a ranch hand and I have dropped mine in horse troughs and fermented puddles of piss and shit. I've had horses take it right off my head by the brim and shake it around like a naked retard's nutsack, with practically no visible damage. One time a THÍCQÜĔ ÅSSÉ draft horse animal knocked this hat off my head when I was hoof picking it, then picked it up by the hatband (pic related) which sounded exactly like the cartoon stock sound effect for biting into something crispy, and threw it into the goddamn wind and it flew over the fence and off a fucking cliff, tumbled down a hill and onto a road down below, where a teenager ran it over with a dirt bike. By some gypsy magic, the damn thing is still going strong. I have worn this thing every minute I have worked outside for the past 4ish years. A nice palm cowboy hat will be your trusty rusty for a good many long years of hard work and survive the most hilarious types of misfortune all the while.