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Need a warm weather stove lower elevation

No.1741419 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /out/. I need a stove for the summer. I've been useing my msr whisperlite. I like the durability and reliability. Never had an issue with that stove and liquid fuel. I want to go back to a canister stove or natural fuel to save some weight and space. It'll be used at lower elevations mostly and not in snow. Just for boiling a liter of water.
I was looking at the MSR Reactor but the proprietary pot put me off. This may be the best option for me though.
For natural fuel I was looking at the Emberlit stove and the Ghillie kettle. Seems well made from reviews and light enough I could even carry it as a backup. The Ghillie kettle looks cool but the weight and volume are big cons.

What do you guys suggest? I don't really want to use something like a Pocket Rocket again. It sucked in rain and wind.