back when i did "Højskole" folk school or whatever its called in English, a school where you learn things you actually care about when you are an adult
i was in the Outdoor line
>morning assembly, after singing and notifications for the day
>one of my outdoor teachers goes up and asks if anyone would like to help him early next morning with a sauna project where we would heat rocks in a fire, drag the rock under a sealed tarp and throw water on it
like a super primitive sauna
>no one is volunteering to help and he looks visibly defeated
>im a dumbass so i raise my hand and angree to help
5am next morning
>super tired, but fuck it, i said yes, cant pull out now
>brush teath, put on outdoor cloths and walk down to out forest area
>see teacher backing up a trailer full of large rocks
>regret life
now, im not a strong guy, so moving all there big rocks from the trailer to the firepit was absolute killer
was fin heating all the rocks, but by the time we got to do the actual sauna stuff where people would run from out primitive sauna and then jump in the lake i was so fucking tired i just put some vodka in my nalgene and sat sipping on that at the shelter didnt even do it
was fun seeing everyone completely lobster red though
it ended when they tried using some sort of peppermint oil on the rock and basically peppersprayed eachother