>>1770586>>1770698I live in my van fulltime while working in the woods
I enjoy having electricity to power my laptop, my 54qt fridge, my lights, etc.
I enjoy having a propane oven and range because it lets me cook two things at once, and bake bread in the oven
I enjoy having a wood stove because it keeps the moisture down, is warm, and is ~aesthetic~
I enjoy the wooden furniture because it was fun to build, looks good, and adds a ton of storage and convenience
you can povertybuild in a civic if you want, but that's all it is. fucking poverty. I was homeless living in the woods with nothing but a hammock, a pocket rocket propane burner, and a backpack full of instant mashed potatoes, sardines, and sriracha. it fucking sucked dick, and I did it for months. I also lived in the trunk of a kia sonata for months, and it FUCKING SUCKED
I have done enough scraping by poverty shit for a while, if you want to spend the bare minimum on your life and hate living all the time because you are sore and cold and hungry, be my guest. but nobody thinks you are tough or cool, they think you are a fucking dumbass.
I did it. I did it for months. It did not make me more of a man, it did not make me better at anything, it was just shitty. I work in the woods, I understand life isn't always comfy, and this comes from somebody who ACTUALLY lived the way you think you WANT to live: it fucking blows massive cock and I will never do it again.
>hurr why would I need plumbing and a roof over my head and a grocery store, i'll just sleep on the ground outside and hunt bugs to eat while I work 50 hours a week doing extremely physically demanding workretard