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For finding locations, it's as easy as typing up "abandoned locations near X". Sometimes you'll want to be a little more creative/specific with your wording. Try asylums, psychiatric institutes, schools, abandoned industrial sites, etc; Using this in conjunction with google earth will usually give you some good results unless you live somewhere really fuckin boring. Once you found a place, you really wanna familiarize yourself with the lay out and the surrounding area. Again, use google earth for this, but also take the day to drive out and scout the area in person. You're looking for optimal parking spots that are inconspicuous, viable entry points, and what kind traffic is in the area. Do a lot of cars/people go through there? Are there a lot of populated buildings in the area? Are there cameras? How well lit is the location? All these factors are going to determine what time you explore and if it's feasible to even do so. for clothing, keep it simple. Don't wear any tacticool shit that'll make you standout. Wear clothing that is durable enough for the shitty environments you're exploring, but loose enough so that you don't impede your ability to gtfo if you gotta make a run for it. Don't dress in all black like a cosplay burglar and don't wear bright colors. Greys, browns, beiges, dark blues, dark red(maroon), dark green, some black are all good colors. For gear, you really don't need much. When I go, I bring a rechargeable headlamp and a fenix PD35TAC with spare batteries in case it dies on me, my folding kershaw knife, my leatherman multi-tool, my small anker charger in case my phone dies, a buff/face mask, and a bottle of water. I don't recommend bringing any other weapons or firearms with you. It's easier to tell a cop you're exploring/photographing if he doesn't catch you with one. If you feel the place is so dangerous that you need one, well then you probably shouldn't be there anyway. Find another place.