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Dark Star

No.1770571 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Dark Star cave seems to be one of the most fucked up places on the planet.
>unknown size, unexplored cave system
>at least 900 meters deep, at least 17 kilometers long
>to access the cave, you have to climb a 4.5 kilometer tall mountain range (pic related)
>in the middle of fucking nowhere in Uzbekistan
>large parts are submerged in water

So basically you have to transport all your food, gear, air supply and so on for hundreds of kilometers in middle fucking nowhere to get there, days away from any civilization. Then you have to climb a huge fucking mountain range to get to any of the entrances so you need to be a great rock climber. At this altitude the air is already thin and exertion becomes much more difficult. Then you have to go cave diving in an unexplored huge cave system with some very narrow passages. Didn't carry enough heavy as fuck diving tanks with you? Too bad, nobody can help you out here.

Would you be willing to explore the cave?