>>1778380 recognition of species and the condition of the plant can indicate if its growing in its prime location or further off repeat with every plant in the picture and you can get very fucking spot on location
not to mention all the other autistic shit with the suns arc, Chlorophyll vibrancy, hydration indicators for local weather patterns
even fucking cloud density/humidity can be determined by the lighting quality, soil makeup, local salinity due to hardy plants, fungus in the photo as they usually all have their own locally specific slight variations ect ect
the gist- the same information that your brain uses to be familiar with where you are can be used by others to do the same
theres even an app to identify plants that a normie could use
god forbid you have a Cessna fly overhead as their make can be determined simply by sound and will have flight records to look through
t. political dissident when i was younger