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can any experienced farmers help?
So i wanted to start gardening, but im not sure what i can grow given the soil. i want to grow things that will take in the ground without me having to go buy special soil/mulch and build a gardening box
the ground is pretty much clay, floods so much during rain its almost like a rice paddy and cracks in the dry months. My neighbors up the ways have corn fields but i dont know how they grow so much and without a circle irrigation setup
i live in central texas near austin btw.
can any experienced farmers help?
So i wanted to start gardening, but im not sure what i can grow given the soil. i want to grow things that will take in the ground without me having to go buy special soil/mulch and build a gardening box
the ground is pretty much clay, floods so much during rain its almost like a rice paddy and cracks in the dry months. My neighbors up the ways have corn fields but i dont know how they grow so much and without a circle irrigation setup
i live in central texas near austin btw.