>>1798649I have, and before you all judge me for being a fucking retard, I'll just start my story by saying that I was a complete fucking retard and I feel bad for doing this.
Anyway, one time I was hiked up Wallace falls in Washington, camped illegally at the top, woke up, packed up my shit, dropped acid, and began my journey over to the farthest lake for night 2. On the way there, I found a bike out in the middle of the woods, kind of off to the side of a logging road. the acid had set in and I was tripping balls, just me and my dog. I am perpelxed as to why this bike would be all the way up here in the middle of no where, and I walk over to take a look at it. There's a really nice fancy bike light attached to it, and I consider stealing it, so I start taking it off of the bike, but then I decide it's morally wrong to steal this person's shit so I start reattaching it.
My dog barks. Wtf?? A guy with a gun slung around his back is approaching. Oh shit. I am your typical Washington liberal pussy, completely unarmed and unprepared. I drop the light in the grass, and luckily he didn't really see what I was doing, he just saw me close to and fucking with the bike. I start talking to him, trying to be normal while both completely guilty and high as fuck. He's telling me to be quiet, and that the bike belongs to his friend who is also hunting. Great. The guy probably had me in his fucking scope. I awkwardly chat with the guy for a minute about how I didn't even know it was a hunting area, then I leave, and the whole rest of the trip I was completely paranoid that they would follow me and try to fuck with me. I ruined it for myself, and I can't say I didn't deserve it. I shouldnt have touched his shit in the first place.