>>1825193Hey Anon. Louisiana resident here. Here’s how I deal: don’t go /out/ in the heat of the summer. At least in July and August. June and September are usually hot as well, but it’s hit or miss; there can be days that are tolerable.
Also, sleep in a hammock. This part of the US is basically a jungle, so finding trees isn’t an issue. And all of that talk about convective heat loss, “cold butt syndrome,” and needing an underquilt because you get cold so quickly becomes a net positive when the lows are so warm.
I know several people who visit Gatlingurg, TN with their families as a vacation. It’s just outside Great Smokie Mountain NP, where the temps are 15° cooler than, say, New Orleans. It’s a 10 hour drive, which may seem unfathomable to a Bong but is a decent drive for a Burger vacation.
Those of us with money take the time to fly. A lot of parks in the US provide shuttle services and there are some private ones as well. It’s a little expensive so you have to make it worth while. In June of 2018 I did Mt. Shasta. I flew, got on a shuttle, camped, hiked, camped some more, saw some sites, and flew home.