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hiking trips

No.1830530 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>hike to sweet new spot with some buddies
>get awoken at 7:45 to one buddy softly whistling reveille
>enjoy some coffee and finish brekkie with 3/4 of a tab each
>head to pond to fill up water, take a morning dip, gonna be a hot one
>head back up past camp, oh boy it's really kicking in
>getting the ol' butterflies, stop by stream to check out some neat frogs
>head up mountain, high 80s with 90% humidity and full sun
>stop for views, admire the beautifully foliated metamorphic rock flowing up the trail
>sweating absolute buckets but still zoomin
>say hello to Korean hiking group
>absolute fuckton of blueberries
>appreciate hardy slow-growing trees at summit, take in immaculate view and gentle breeze
>even more blueberries at peak ripeness, consume to distribute seeds later
>head back to camp and cook some brats
>take huge shit, clean on first wipe
>reminisce about what a good day it was

I don't enhance hikes often, but when I do it's absolutely a blast. Curious about what other people do for a little extra zing