Another lot next to mine but deeper into the forest was bought at the same time.
Mine is on a slight hill, the other was mostly flatland. He had the soil tested and could only get a permit for septic on the far side, nowhere near where he wanted to build. To get electricity ran back that far he was looking at about $3,000 just for the $4 a foot overhead. He wound up selling his plot.
Septic was easy for me. I have multiple areas that were permitable. Cost was $1,850. Concrete 1,000 gallon tank, distribution box and 100 feet of leach field (2 fifty foot lines running side by side).
I have unlimited wireless and satellite TV.
On the top side of my property I have 4g LTE because of line-of-sight to the cell tower down by the highway. Down in my forest reception is usually reliable but not fast enough for data.
The cable company actually expanded and trenched my dirt road and ran fiber optic to a neighbor so I have access to that now if I want it. It was about a 4 mile run for that one guy so I guess they really wanted his business.