[36 / 7 / ?]

17KiB, 640x430, Patagonia_Quandary_Hose_Kurz_Herren_forge_grey[640x430] (1).jpg
I bought some hiking pants (patagonia quandary) because the were 30% off and I don't have any suitable pants and my cargo shorts ripped.
I don't know if I made a mistake. They make so much noise while moving. Will this get better? Also they don't look very durable but a little gay at least they are not flashy.
Is le hiking pnt just a meme? What do you guys wear?
I don't know if I made a mistake. They make so much noise while moving. Will this get better? Also they don't look very durable but a little gay at least they are not flashy.
Is le hiking pnt just a meme? What do you guys wear?