>>1890784because everywhere we used to go, shame and hiding used to follow. Do you know what it is like to hide who you are all the time and fear what could happen if you don't?
>Stats that show homosexuals were sexually abused as children at a higher rate than straight people are just pure coincidence, huh?Really that just shows that gay kids are vulnerable targets of abuse. You are assuming a directionality there that being gay is caused by molestation rather than that gay kids are socially shunned and that causes them to be easy targets for predators because nobody cares what happens to them.
some further reading that debunks the notion that molestation somehow causes homosexuality:
>Everywhere they go, the word PRIDE follows.that isn't true at all
most gay people are terrified to mention they are gay lol
and that's the way you want it, you want us to be closeted and not have to feel bad that we have to hide while you don't