>>1892467Most of the things I said I learnt while studying folklore, tales and mythos of baltic slavs, ancient arabs, gypsies, some of northern american tribes and hindu.
Explanation to what I said before.
>carry a handful of changeMultiple things are gonna interact with you just for shit and giggles, but not all. For most you’re just a simple toy and they are more interested in those shiny, metal discs you’re scattering everywhere. Basically, works like interference.
>smokeIrritates them as fuck. Smoke comes from fire and it means either absolute chaotic destruction or humans. Also, scent of smoke is strong and sticks for a long time to someone who has had a contact with it. For these reasons it’s better to stay away from smoke if you’re a wild thing — witch or bug, doesn’t matter. That’s why it’s a part of prayer or meditation in basically every religion to light a candle, fire or whatever to produce smoke while you’re getting spiritual.
Also helps keep mosquitoes away :-)
>garlic, silverSimilar thing as above, but there’s some things to it I’d rather not talk about.
>turning your clothes inside outFor while people all asians look the same. For non humans, all humans look the same. If you’ve wandered into bad territory or got on a bad side of something — pretend it wasn’t you. If you feel like you’re being watched and you’ve passed this tree like four times before, try changing your appearance and hope you’re left alone after that.
Here, a basic and jovial explanation to what I said. There’s really more to it, but it’s for you to figure that out. Loads of books to read, places to visit, people to talk to, it’s a hard work. Learn and understand — you can use it as a hammer to nail a nail. Lick the top of it, cause you’re worried — keep on chanting spells and prayers under your breath, anon!
I would kind of worry about it.