I've never understood the knife worlds obsession with batoning if I'm honest. They go buy ridiculously overpriced knives in whatever the super steel of the day is because they need that minute advantage in edge retention, sharpen it on a sharpening system that cost more than my car, then they go and smash the knife into a log to see how well it can perform not as a knife but an axe.
>>1896257>especially if youre getting down to very small kindling it can be pretty handyI heat almost exclusively with wood and every year I chop enough kindling to fill three 55 gallon drums that sit in the garage. An axe will get you down to a quarter inch before it becomes to cumbersome to be practical, and at that point you would be better off shaving than batoning anyways. There is literally no reason to baton wood at all save for entertainment. A small axe/hachet will always be better suited for the task.