>>1943312No wish to be janny. Do wish they would do their jobs and bounce you faggots out like the board beaners you are.
>>1943320Lmao let me translate that for you libfag
>Protect Americas unspoiled wilderness for hunting, fishing, hiking, and campingBut only after we take your guns, declare it cultural appropriation for anyone but a res nigger to own a bow and outlaw it, declare every animal endangered, ban fishing because manatees and retarded Karen spawn can’t stay out of the way of boats and eat fishing line, and turn the trails into AT Karen faggotry for skifags to walk in during summer time on their gap year, and turn every city street into “camp grounds” for illegals and gypsy homeless poorfags.
>Grow Americas outdoor economyDevelop more ski slopes and staff them with illegals at the expense of the environment
>Reverse Trumps rollbacks of protections for national monumentsStop maintaining shitty gravel roads so they can build massive public transit projects and provide kickbacks to their urbanite faggot developer donors
>Ban oil, gas, and frackingThe wells are an eye sore from the view of our second and third homes on the slope and our donors already bought up the mineral rights on the surrounding private land
>Establish programs to enhance reforestation and develop renewables on federal landUse imminent domain to push rural peasants off their land and force them into our apartment development complexes to drown their votes out and build a dam to flood out grazing land to raise food costs and force the poors into veganism.
>Require scientific and environmental reviews of proposed mining projectsUse our socialista lackies in academia and activist groups to stall projects that haven’t paid the Biden tax and launder tax payer money back into the demoratic party.
>>1943401>>1943411Commies detected.
>>1943413>>1943261Faggots detected
>>1943467Based anon. Glad you understand the reality of degenerate resort faggotry.