>>1923205Get high, drunk, or both, but only after gathering sufficient firewood.
Guitar, mess around with pentatonic and jazz improvisation.
Philosophize if I have company.
Try not to get lost when on shrooms or acid.
Try not to shoot guns or cut self or others with hatchet while drunk or on drugs.
Have long introspective conversations with doggo.
Cook and eat (definitely do this before drunk and drug time)
Try woodworking without cutting yourself.
Make booby traps because you’re drunk and paranoid.
Take down booby traps because they are ineffective bc you were too drunk.
Make snares and traps.
Take down snares and traps bc you were too drunk.
There’s plenty to do anon, just be safe. And skinwalkers are actually pretty cool, just cover your eyes with your hands when you talk to them.
Always ignore glow in the darks