>>1931378Haven't seen a grizz in the relatively limited time I've been around the crazies for hunting, but that was mostly for deer so down a bit lower. Ranchers have seen a few around and about typically ever year. They'll take cattle every so often, but when that starts happening they tend to... get helped away if you know what I mean. A large number of elk up in the crazies, big time hunting area.
As for wolves, they're around, but they tend to avoid people. Wolves have been expanding their territory ever since their reintroduction, but not too much contact. Most ranchers will tell you to shoot them if you see any, and if they have a collar throw it on a train.
One of the older big access routes up into the crazies was through some private land, but it was sold to an italian wine import/exporter who shut the property down for all access. Made it significantly harder to get up in there.