Theres some stuff that's going to make being a full timer hard:
The truck bed is a terrible place to hang out. I'd Invest in an awning or a pop up.
I pretty much only boondock on the way out to a job. My truck is pretty unmodified and just looks like a work truck so single overnights are unlikely to raise eyebrows. You may need to figure out good parking if you're in town for longer duration.
If you're not getting compensated for miles, the gas/insurance/depreciation work out to almost exactly to what a 1 bedroom apt goes for in my state. If this is a lifestyle to facilitate your photography career, great. If it's a way of saving money it's more than likely a zero sum pain in your ass.
Also, if you find way to gracefully drop the tailgate and exit from the inside, fucking let me know.
If you think you're going to full time for a year, this is probably viable for you. If you're going to do it any longer I'd honestly just get a long bed truck with repacked springs and slap a used camper on it. Buy both in the winter.
Last thoughts: my investment has been under 200 dollars. Take a Saturday and outfit your taco, then just head out somewhere for a few days. That will be more clarifying than any amount of posts on a Mongolian finger painting site.