>>194305perfectly possible. here in the UK its about the only way you can hint small game with attracting a lot of unwelcome attention. provided there is game about, if it's within 30m it's dead.
slinghsots are a vastly under rated tool- everyone seems to write them off as either gimmicky or kids toys...
I've also been posting in another slingshot thread here
>>193655if you know how to tailor your ammo to your bands, and cut them right.
I've got a mate who's had >75J out of his slingshot with the right setup, and the slingshot was the same pattern and size as this. iirc a .22lr is only doing about 85J
he did a good bit of impact testing on sheep's skulls, fox skulls and so on, the general consensus was, anything better than about 25 J will blow a skull to bits at 20m.
I've got no hesitation is saying that a 12mm lead ball 4g mass (typical ammo for rabbit hunting here in the UK with a slingshot) will drop a human with a head shot ( not a hard shot to make, we head shot birds and rabbits)
the only on cam killshot I've made ('scuse the language)