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[90 / 18 / ?]

/out/ Secret Santa

!!WuPcztHmRAz No.1944301 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello again /out/. With the help of /k/'s Big Boss we have an up and running Sekret Santa site for us:

This site has been tailored to provide for the crafty and the busy.
I am making a new thread to keep everything together and include the direct link to our event.
Sorry for ignoring you previous posters, I was hoping the thread would die off but your interest has kept it alive.

To the Anon who ran the spreadsheet, I thank you. To make this a success we will need everyone's participation. Account creation is up now and signups will happen shortly after.

Batch 1: DIY Gift Packages
Signups: 11/29/2020 - 12/6/2020
Matching: 12/7/2020
Shipping Deadline: 12/14/2020

Batch 2: Amazon Wish Lists
Signups: 12/7/2020 - 12/14/2020
Matching: 12/15/2020
Shipping Dealine: 12/21/2020

Please give all the tabs a look and if you want to get in touch with me about anything my email is [email protected]